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News History
Web forum bb.linuxsampler.org has been closed.
Please use the mailing list
instead for any kind of questions and discussions. Note that you must
subscribe to the mailing list for people to receive your emails. Emails of
not subscribed senders are filtered out and ignored by the mailing list.
linuxsampler 2.3.1 maintenance release (fixes build errors with certain C++ stdlib versions, no behaviour change to recent 2.3.0 release).
libgig 4.4.1 maintenance release (fixes build errors with some compilers only, no behaviour change to recent 4.4.0 release).
LinuxSampler 2.3.0 had been released. This is basically a maintenance release.
See the
release notes
for details.
Kolja Koch started work on gigcreator, a GUI application that
automatically creates a GigaStudio/Gigasampler (.gig) file from a
directory of .wav files as input.
You find the
gigcreator project on Gitlab.
gigcreator was motivated by libgig's new wav2gig command line tool,
with the goal to be more user friendly than wav2gig.
LinuxSampler 2.2.0 had been released. There are a load of new features
packed into this release. See the
release notes
for details.
LinuxSampler 2.1.1 had been released. This is mainly a maintenance release.
See the
release notes
for details.
The macOS Installer has been modernized
e.g. using now Gtk 3 for Gigedit and Qt 5 for QSampler and a modern
C++11 capable compiler. Support for ancient PowerPC Macs and 32-bit Intel
Macs has been dropped for that reason. So all Mac snapshot builds starting
from today onwards will require a 64-bit Intel Mac with at least macOS 10.7 or
higher. If you still have one of those ancient Macs and can't find an old
snapshot build on our website that still works for your old Mac, then you may
write us on the
mailing list.
LinuxSampler 2.1.0 had been released after two years of development.
Check the
release notes
for a detailed review of what's new with LinuxSampler and friends.
You are working with MusE?
Then Andrew Coughlan's lscp2idf scripts
might help you to automatically extract MIDI instruments from LSCP files to
the MusE sequencer's IDF format, which can be helpful for patch changes
in that sequencer.
Services are back online. After reviewing the recent server incident we
came to the conclusion that the attack was fortunately quite limited.
We rolled back the system, closed the exploited security
hole and brought all services back online. In case you downloaded or updated any source files
from our svn server
between March 2nd and March 3rd, we recommend you to
delete the entire source directory and make an entire fresh checkout from
svn to avoid any issues. The svn server is now back at a clean state.
Important notice:
Our server had been compromised. For that reason we were forced to take most
services offline for now to protect you from accessing any compromised material.
We are currently investigating this incident and will update you accordingly.
Web Forum and
Bug Tracker
are back online: As you might have noticed, our
Web Forum as well as our
Bug Tracker were partly
unavailable for quite a while. It was possible to read them, but especially
registration of new user accounts were disabled (i.e. due to numerous
spam bot attacks we suffered in the past). Those issues have been
resolved and so both sites are back available and should now work entirely
as expected.
There is some progress regarding Gigedit's integrated
real-time instrument script editor. Check out the
News Article ...
LinuxSampler 2.0.0 had been released after six years of development!
Check the
release notes
for a detailed review of what's new with LinuxSampler and friends.
The Mac installer was broken on latest OS X 10.10 Yosemite. This had been
fixed today. Get the latest
snapshot for Mac
with Yosemite support now.
A new documentation site has been launched:
http://doc.linuxsampler.org -
This separate page dedicated to manuals, tutorials and other kind of
articles for the LinuxSampler project, is using a new solution to write
and maintain such articles with a minimum of effort. Be invited to help us
writing documentation
for LinuxSampler and friends! As one of the first topics, this site is now
hosting an introduction to the new
NKSP Real-Time Instrument Script Language.
The long-term plan is to move all documentation of this project from our www
server to that new site.
For the Mac users out there: We finally have a convenient installer for the
OS X version of LinuxSampler. This is already integrated in our automatic
build system. So from now on all
daily snapshot builds for Mac
are automatically built with an installer. By default the installer will
install all components (LinuxSampler stand-alone application, VST and
Audio Unit plugin version of LinuxSampler, QSampler, Fantasia, GigEdit and
command line tools. At step "Installation Type" you can however also
override the default installation and select which components to install.
gigedit finally included with OS X snapshots!
Due to the variety of third party library dependencies it took a while, but
finally "gigedit", our graphical instrument editor for Gigasampler /
GigaStudio files, is now included with the automatic binary snapshots builds
for Mac OS X. The automatic snapshot installers are automatically compiled
by one of our servers each time a developer commits something new to our
Subversion (development) server. You can use gigedit on Mac OS X as
stand-alone instrument editor as well as in live-mode while running
LinuxSampler. In the latter case your changes with gigedit get immediately
audible while playing the instrument on the keyboard at the same time.
Added SFZ implementation status page.
We are currently in the works to implement support for the SFZ format,
which is a powerful and open sample library format, already adopted by
many commercial samplers. Check our new SFZ status page to see which
aspects of the format are already supported by LinuxSampler, and which
ones are yet to be implemented.
Download the latest OS X snapshot of the sampler!
Following our ongoing sympathy for automatic snapshots, we finally provide
automatic builds also for Apple OS X! As soon as some developer commits
something new to our Subversion server, a new binary snapshot for OS X will
automatically be available for download from our webserver within minutes.
The snapshot tbz2 archive file contains universal binaries
(PPC 32 bit, Intel 32 & 64 bit) of the stand-alone version of the
sampler, VST and AU plugin version, and the graphical frontend applications
QSampler and Fantasia. Only our graphical instrument editor gigedit is not
yet part of the snapshots, it might follow at a later point. Please read
the README file in the tbz2 archive file for instructions how to install
everything on your Mac.
After a huge down time of almost one month, we decided to move to new, more
reliable servers. Thanks to the University of Heilbronn which kindly hosted
our servers for 8 years. We started to move the most important services to
a commercial server host, which will be financed by your donations. Sorry
for this long absence and thank you for your support!
Download the latest Windows snapshot of the sampler!
Since we have to confess that we are a bit lazy about putting out official
releases, and since the latest official release of the sampler for Windows
is quite old, we decided to establish automatic builts of the sampler and
all other software components for Windows. As soon as some developer
commits something new to the CVS server for any of the project's software
components, a new snapshot binary for Windows will automatically built and
be available for download within few minutes. Sorry for neglecting you
Windows users out there for so long!
In case you are working a lot on Native Instruments Kontakt instrument
files, or if you are just interested in the .nki file format, you might have
a look at nkitool. It is a simple console
application which allows to export and import the human readable XML file
from and to Native Instruments Kontakt .nki instrument articulation files.
It can be very handy to speedup or even automate the process of creating
and editing .nki instrument files.
LinuxSampler is featured in the october special issue of the "Computer Music"
magazine. It is available in English language in magazine stores around the
UK. This special issue focused on demonstrating the "best free software" for
music production on PC, Mac and mobile. LinuxSampler is covered along to four
other samplers, with an introduction howto on page 57. You can
read the full article here.
The annual report of 2009
with our financial situation is now online. Happy new year everybody!
Better a late than no announcement at all:
- linuxsampler 1.0.0
- Fantasia 0.9
- qsampler 0.2.2
- gigedit 0.2.0
- libgig 3.3.0
- jlscp 0.8
- liblscp 0.5.6
This is the first release which allows the sampler to be used as audio
host plugin, namely supporting the standards VST, AU, DSSI and LV2. The
sampler's limits for max. voices & disk streams can now be altered at
runtime by frontends, no need to recompile the sampler anymore. The Mac
version now also supports CoreAudio as audio driver. The Windows version
finally supports the sampler's instruments DB feature as well, however
expect it still to be unstable at this point. Along to the already
existing JACK audio driver, Jack MIDI support has been added in this
release. The sampler allows frontends now basic MIDI control, that is to
monitor incoming MIDI data on MIDI input devices and sampler channels and
to send note-on and note-off MIDI events to sampler channels, which
allows frontends to provide a virtual MIDI keyboard to the user. Besides
these major changes there were countless bugfixes and optimizations.
On the finish line to the upcoming next release of LinuxSampler and
friends, a beta pre-release for the Windows platform is now available
from our
download server.
This is the first Windows version which includes a VST plugin version
of the sampler. The installer includes both, native 64 bit binaries and
32 bit binaries. The installer detects the system type and installs the
appropriate binaries automatically.
Please follow the ongoing discussion and development on our
web forum
and developers' mailing list
to avoid known problems. Feedback appreciated!
Cheers Mac users! LinuxSampler is finally available as AudioUnit plugin!
It's still a work in progress, but you might already want to checkout
the experimental AU binary package of LinuxSampler, available from our
download server.
As this is still an early development version, please follow the ongoing
discussion and development on our
web forum
and developers' mailing list
to avoid known problems. Feedback appreciated!
We're happy to announce that the first freely available sample library
is now available on our downloads server. Thanks to Mats Helgesson for
giving us the permission to share his "Maestro Concert Grand v2" piano
library with you. You find the download link along with the library's
license informations and a demo track for prelistening on our
instruments site.
Added Debian Howto to the documentation
site, describing how to cook Debian packages, optimized for your
specific machine. Get the maximum out of your box! (The
chapter might be interesting for users of other systems as well)
Due to popular demand we finally launched a forum for this project. The
place to be and share questions, stories and the latest gossip is
Hey Mac Users! We hope to give you a good way to start the new year
by announcing that LinuxSampler is now officially
available for OS X as well! You find an installer (disk image) of the
latest release of LinuxSampler and QSampler for OS X on our
downloads site.
Please note: gigedit is not yet available for Mac, we still need to do some
work on this. Same applies to JSampler unfortunately, because the required
Java version 1.6 is not officially available for Mac yet. Have a look
at the OS X HOWTO for an easy start.
You tried out the young Windows version of LinuxSampler and encountered
problems? Check out the
Shooting Section of the LinuxSampler Windows HOWTO. It still
doesn't solve your problem? You can ask for help on our
Mailing List
. If you found bugs, please report them to our
Bug Tracking System.
Another strike:
- linuxsampler 0.5.1
- jsampler 0.8a
- qsampler 0.2.1
- gigedit 0.1.1
- libgig 3.2.1
- jlscp 0.7a
What do you expect from a sampler called LinuxSampler? Exactly: that it
conquers the Windows
world. This is the first official release of our applications for
the Windows platform, providing a convenient all-in-one installer tagged
"20071207". Supported drivers for this new system are so far: MME for
MIDI and ASIO for audio. Needless to say that there still might be
plenty of issues on Windows. Also note that the instruments database
feature is not ported yet. Have a look at the
Windows HOWTO for a smooth start.
Beside this first Windows release, this is merely a bugfix release, i.e.
fixing a serious crash in LinuxSampler. Retrieving instrument names from
.gig files with the frontends is now much faster, so better keep that
option always on in QSampler from now on. With gigedit you can now edit
multiple (dimension) regions simultaniously. JSampler is finally able
to retrieve instrument names of instrument files and even remotely from
another machine, beside minor cosmetics like a total stream count
and volume displayed in dB, as well as couple bug fixes. QSampler gave
Qt3 an official funeral and is finally completely ported to Qt4. A lot
of the QSampler code base has changed due to this. So you still might
encounter bugs. Beside that the device management dialog received couple
of bug fixes.
As you might have noticed, we had issues with our linuxsampler.org DNS
names in the last two days, because it was dependent to a foreign server
out of our control. We just addressed this issue and finally completely
moved the DNS responsibility to our own servers to avoid this happening
again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!
A new release wave of the LinuxSampler family has arrived:
- linuxsampler 0.5.0
- qsampler 0.1.5
- jsampler 0.7a
- gigedit 0.1.0
- libgig 3.2.0
- liblscp 0.5.5
- jlscp 0.6a
With our new instrument editor
we can finally modify existing, as well as create new Gigasampler format
instruments from scratch, which are not only accepted by LinuxSampler, but
also by Gigastudio. You can run gigedit as stand-alone application or
"attached" to LinuxSampler. The latter case allows you to play and edit
instruments at the same time, making all your modifications immediately
audible, without having to reload the instruments into the sampler. You can
simply edit instruments by selecting the respective sampler channel and
clicking on "Edit" (in QSampler as well as in JSampler). LinuxSampler now
provides a very powerful and easy MIDI program change mapping, which not
only allows you to define which instrument to load on which MIDI program
change number (and bank), it also allows further parameters like whether
the instrument shall be pre-cached or loaded only when needed (and likewise
freed when not needed). You can create arbitrary amount of effect sends for
each sampler channel, each having an arbitrary MIDI controller for
altering the effect send level in realtime and each one can flexible be routed to
some of the sampler's audio output channels, i.e. to a dedicated one for a
certain effect type (managing FX sends is yet only supported by JSampler,
not by QSampler yet). The new instruments database on sampler side allows
you to keep track even of largest instrument library collections. You can
order them in categories and search by various criteria (you can find this
feature as "Instruments Database" in JSampler, it's not yet supported by QSampler).
Loading huge instruments may take a while, that's why the sampler now
allows to play an instrument while loading. That way you can i.e. play and
hold notes on the keyboard while loading a new instrument on the same
sampler channel at the same time.
JSampler 0.6a has been released.
Fantasia distribution is now capable of controlling all features
available in LinuxSampler. See screenshot.
JSampler 0.5a has been released, now with instruments database
Qsampler 0.1.4 has been
released. Almost another year has gone by.
JSampler 0.4a has been released. Read the
manual for
installation instructions.
gigedit 0.0.3 has been released, a graphical instrument editor allowing
to edit existing Gigasampler format files as well as creating new ones
completely from scratch. Along comes a new release of libgig (3.1.1).
After a long, long development cycle LinuxSampler 0.4.0 has finally been
libgig 3.1.0 has been released.
JSampler 0.3a has been released.
Partially implemented a new view - Fantasia (graphic desing: Olivier
Boyer). Only channel manipulation for now.
More new features in JS Classic - Implemented an LS Console with
command autocompletion (using the Tab key), command history (using Up,
Down keys), command history search (Ctrl + R), command list search
(Ctrl + F), and more.
Implemented Orchestras (something like Bookmarks/Favorites for
instruments). Drag & Drop support for instrument loading, adding an
instrument to orchestra and autocompleting an instrument loading
command in the LS Console.
Qsampler 0.1.3 is now
available. It's been a long time isn't it?
libgig 3.0.0 has been released.
Major services (CVS, downloads, Bug Tracking System) were down in the last
days due to a hardware defect on one of our servers. CVS is finally up
again and we are working on restoring all other services in the next days
as well. We are also establishing further backup facilities to prevent this
happening again. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Latest CVS version
libgig now allows to create and modify Gigasampler files
read announcement). Please let
know if you are interested in writing an instrument patch editor.
Due to ongoing synthesis optimizations, CVS version of LS might be broken
for a while. Please use the tarball release in the meantime.
LinuxSampler 0.3.3 has been released. Once again a bug fix release.
LinuxSampler 0.3.2 has been released. This is more or less just a bug fix
release. Just by coincidence,
QSampler 0.1.2 has also been thrown out.
QSampler 0.1.1 has been
released, after a few bugfixes and a new logo icon.
LinuxSampler 0.3.1, the first official release is finally out!
After some time laying around in the backyard,
QSampler 0.1.0 has
been released, now with the promised Audio and MIDI device configuration
interface. Enjoy!
the Qt GUI front-end in the works for the LinuxSampler engine, was bumped
to its now fifth primordial release (0.0.5). Still alpha code. Time to move
on... to a better and complete Audio/MIDI device configuration interface,
as predicted by LSCP and wrapped by liblscp.
Due to a design change, current LinuxSampler CVS version is quite unstable.
You might want to use the previous, stable version of LS in the meantime,
which can be downloaded as
source tarball
. Alternatively you can also checkout the old version from CVS which
was tagged as "v0_2_0".
The Qt GUI front-end for the LinuxSampler engine has been updated: the 4th
alpha-release of
QSampler has been
On monday (November, 15th)
cvs.linuxsampler.org may be temporarily down due to maintenance work
around 13:00 UTC.
The third alpha-release of
QSampler, the Qt GUI front-end for the LinuxSampler engine, is now
publicly available.
Added a screenshot to the Screenshots page, instructions how to compile the
GUI are on the linked qsampler site.
On wednesday (June, 2nd)
cvs.linuxsampler.org will be temporarily not available from 6:00 UTC
until 16:00 UTC due to construction works.
We are currently in a transition stage due to the recent changes (multi
channel / multi engine / multi audio output device and multi MIDI input
device support) this also leads to multi problems we have to solve ;-) so
meanwhile you can use the old single channel version. We created the two
CVS alias tags 'singlechannel' and 'v0_1_0' which you can use to checkout
the old single channel version of LinuxSampler. The CVS command line is the
same except that you have to add '-r singlechannel'.
CVS root path has changed! See downloads
section for instructions how to checkout the latest version of LinuxSampler
from CVS.
Updated features section on this site,
hopefully we will keep the features list in sync with the latest
developments from now on.
The document for the network protocol definition is now available in the
section. Have a look at it if you can imagine to write a frontend for
Added CVS log to this site, showing the latest commits to the LinuxSampler
CVS repository.
Lots of news for the Linuxsampler community. We've got a new site, new
domain and new code available in CVS. Check the
section for instructions. If you want to check it out, please keep in mind
that it might contain bugs, it might crash and that it's still lacking tons
of features. CVS is directed towards developers who would like to test
things and add code. Users should wait for a tarball release.