NKI Tool
by Christian Schoenebeck
January 23rd, 2011
1. Description
nkitool is a simple console application which exports and imports the human
readable XML file from and to Native Instruments Kontakt .nki instrument
articulation files. So far, Kontakt v1 to v4 format versions are
supported by this tool. nkitool is released in binary and source code format
in the public domain. However in case you find mistakes or improvements, we
would appreciate if you share them with us!
Note: Starting with Kontakt 4.2.2, Native Instruments have changed the file format!
The new format is not supported by nkitool yet! Trying to use the tool on such files will lead to a "zpipe error".
2. Usage
To extract the human readable XML file from an .nki file, simply call the tool
as follows from the console:
nki.exe Foo.nki
You can then edit the created Foo.xml file with an ordinary text editor. To
replace the XML file within the .nki file with a new / edited XML file, call
the tool from the console like this:
nki.exe Foo.nki Foo.xml
3. Download
So far there is only a console binary for MS Windows operating systems:
However since there is only one small C source file, you can easily compile it for
any operating system (see below).
4. Source Code
This tool consists of just one small C source file:
You can most probably compile it for any operating system. The source file depends on
zlib-1.2.5. Probably you can however also
compile and link nkitool against other versions of zlib as well.
5. Bugs, Problems and Feature Requests
Our Forum is a good place to ask for help:
We have a dedicated forum section for
newbies and support.
Please support the
development of this tool and other applications of the LinuxSampler project by donation.
Be fair and help us improving this and other free audio tools for you!
6. Contact
If you have questions or want to help us to improve this tool or other
subprojects of the LinuxSampler project, please subscribe to the
LinuxSampler Developer's mailing list.
If you want to contact a certain developer instead, your can find our email addresses here:
That's it, enjoy!
The LinuxSampler Project - http://www.linuxsampler.org